
Saturday 17 April 2010


Dewasa ini, isu masalah sosial merupakan salah satu isu yang saban hari di gemapr gempurkan. Boleh juga dikatakan isu ini berada di tahap yang sama dengan isu politik yang melanda negara kita. Hampir setiap hari, dapat di baca di dada akhbar yang memaparkan berita mengenai dadah, lumba motor haram atau merempit, kes ragut dan sebagainya. Tidak ketinggalan juga isu sosial yang tidak dapat dielakkan iaitu kes pembunagan bayi.

Kebanyakan paparan berita tentang isu ini sangat menyentuh perasaan apabila ada binatang yang bertopengkan manusia sanggup membakar bayi tidak diingininya bersam-sama longgokan sampah. Ada juga tanpa belas kasihan menghanyutkan bayi yang tidak berdosa itu ke dalam sungai. Betapa kejamnya segelintir makhluk Tuhan yang bernama manusia pada zaman sekarang. Jadi, sebagai masyarakat, kita sepatutnya mengkaji apakah punca kepada permasalahan ini kerana sudah tentu fenomena ini membawa pelbagai kesan negatif. Langkah-langkah untuk membendung masalah ini juga perlu supaya perkara ini tidak berterusan berlaku.

Punca pertama yang dikenalpasti penyebab kepada masalah pembuangan bayi adalah kurangnya didikan agama dalam kalangan masyarakat pada masa sekarang terutamanya kepada golongan remaja. Remaja boleh diklasifikasikan kepada mereka yang berusia antara 13 hingga 25 tahun. Zaman ini merupakan zaman untuk mereka mengenali dunia yang sebenarnya. Seharusnya, anak-anak perlu diberikan pendidikan serta ajaran agama yang sewajarnya sejak dari kecil lagi. Bak kata pepatah, melentur buluh biarlah dari rebung. Hal ini kerana, mereka boleh mempraktikkan didikan yang diajar sehingga dewasa. Berlainannya pada masa kini, remaja tidak didedahkan dengan ilmu agama yang secukupnya sehingga terjebaknya ke dalam kancah maksiat. Apabila terjadinya perkara yang tidak diingini, pertimbangan terakhir yang tidak di kaji semasak-masaknya adalah membuang atau membunuh bayi yang diperolehi melalui hubungan terlarang akibat kurangnya keimanan di dalam diri.

Institusi kekeluargaan juga menjadi punca kepada masalah sosial atau spesifik disini ialah isu pembuangan bayi. Institusi kekeluargaan yang utuh adalah penting untuk menjamin kenahagiaan dalam sesebuah keluarga. Sebaliknya keruntuhan institusi keluarga pula boleh menyebabkan berlaku pelbagai kesan negatif. Di zaman yang sedang membangun ini, semua lapisan masyarakat berusaha mencari rezeki untuk menjamin kehidupan. Begitulah halnya dengan ibubapa. Kedua-dua ibubapa sibuk bekerja untuk mencari rezeki buat keluarga. Kononnya disini mereka menganggap wang adalah penentu kenahagiaan. Ya, memang betul dan mungkin semua orang memperolehi kenyataan itu. Tetapi adakah kebahagiaan diperoleh apabila ada anak-anak yang membesar tanpa mendapat kasih sayang di rumah menyebabkan anak-anak keluarga mencari kebahagiaannya sendiri. Keadaan inilah yang akan menimbulkan pelbagai fenomena negatif apabila mereka mendapat kebebasan di luar tanpa dipantau oleh ibubapa. Apabila berlakunya kejadian yang tidak diingini sehingga melahirkan anak, cara termudah untuk menutup rahsia daripada keluarga ialah dengan membuang bayi tersebut. Tambahan pula, ibubapa yang sibuk bekerja sangat jarang mempedulikan anak-anak sehingga tidak menyedari keadaan anaknya itu.

Punca seterusnya yang membawa kepada kes fenomena pembuangan bayi ialah sikap segelintir masyarakat di negara kita. Kami tidak menyatakan semua masyarakat bersikap sedemikian namun memang terdapat segelintir masyarakat yang suka serta terburu-buru menghukum seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan. Mungkin ada yang berkata mereka menjalankan tanggungjawab sesama manusia atau masyarakat tetapi ia akan menjadi sebaliknya jika mereka menghukum tanpa mengetahui perkara yang sebenarnya. Begitu juga kaitannya dengan kes pembuangan bayi. Masyarakat menganggap wanita atau gadis yang mengandung tanpa suami melakukan kesalahan tanpa mereka mengambil kira terlebih dahulu apakah yang menyebabkan kemelut ini berlaku. Oleh itu, ramai wanita seperti terpaksa membuang bayi yang dilahirkan untuk mengelak pandangan jijik daripada masyarakat. Namun, tidak dinafikan memang ada yang memang betul-betul tekad untuk membuang bayi yang tidak berdosa itu sebelum mereka mengenal dunia yang indah ini.

Setelah mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang membawa kepada berlakunya kes pembuangan bayi, eloklah kita sama-sama berkongsi buah fikiran untuk mencari langkah-langkah bagi membendung masalah ini, hal ini kerana, jika ini berterusan, ia akan membawa kepada pelbagai kesan negatif sama ada kepada individu terbabit, masyarakat serta negara. Langkah pertama yang boleh membendung masalah ini ialah dengan menubuhkan tempat perlindunagn. Terdapat segelintir pihak yang menyatakan langkah itu sebagai menggalakkan lagi masalah ini. Namun kita harus memandangnya secara positif. Tempat perlindungan yang diwujudkan ini adalah bertujuan untuk mendidik mereka yang terjebak dengan kes hamil luar nikah ini untuk berubah. Bukan semua yang hamil luar nikah adalah kerana keterlanjuran tetapi ada juga kes yang dirogol. Jadi, tempat perlindungan inilah yang akan menjadi tempat untuk mereka mengadu nasib. Jadi, dengan itu, kita harus membantu manusia seperti ini dengan sebaik mungkin kerana mereka boleh berubah dengan adanya tunjuk ajar yang benar.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Diana, Princess of Wales..

She's a beauty, she cares about people..that is Lady Diana..

Lady Diana Frances Spencer was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. She is also the first non-princess to be princess of Wales for centuries. From the day she became the Princess of Wales until the day she died, Diana was still a very famous person in the world.

She is a fashion icon and an image of feminine beauty and she was admired for her high-profile involvement in AIDS issues.

Diana, who's not from the royal family, was choosen to be the wife of Prince Charles when she was exactly 19 years old and was working as an assistant at the Young England Kindergarten in Pimlico. It was at this kindergarten school that the famous picture of Lady Diana was taken by John Minihan, with the morning sun to her back, her legs in silhoutte through her skirt.
Afterward, Buckingham Palaca announced the engagement of Lady Diana and Prince Charles on the 24th February 1981. Their wedding took place at St. Pauls Cathedral in London. Their marriage was shown on television in 74 countries and watched by millions of people worldwide.
Then, they had 2 children, Prince Wiiliam of Wales and Prince Henry of Wales. Both turned out to be a very handsome and eligible young man.

Later on, the couple's relationship was seen as not going smoothly and the media predicted that they both were involved in extramarital affairs. Charles was seen with Camilla and Diana's with a cavalry officer, James Hewitt. Diana was once hurt when Charles stated in a television interview that he never loved Diana and admitted that he loved Camilla all this while.

Due to that, they were divorced on August 1996 but as a very independent and soft-spoken person, Diana never neglected her duties as a mother. She loved her sons to death.

She was seen getting more involved in charity work and she loved keeping herself busy doing social work. Due to her humanity love, she was always loved by the public.
Diana, then, felt in love with Emad "Dodi" Fayed, the son of billionaire businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed.

Their short romance ended on August 31, 1997, when they both were killed in a car accident in Paris. It is said that they were trying to move in speed to get rid off the media and press people following them.

Her death was so shocking that it brought a wave of shock and grief all over the world. Millions of people gathered at the streets of London to say goodbye to Princess Diana at her funeral. Not only that, billions of people all over the world watched her funeral on television.
It shows how she created a place in the hearts of so many people. Despite all of her scandalous life, Princess Diana was remembered for her multiple charity work. She loved doing it and hope that she can help people from all over the world.

She was well known for her influence for her campaigns against the use of landmines and helping the victims of AIDS. She was also the first high-profile celebrity to be photographed knowingly touching a person who was infected with HIV virus. She showed the world that people with AIDS deserved no isolation, but compassion and kindness too.

Diana, she will forever be remembered as someone who's unique and she will never be distinguished from our minds.

Thursday 18 March 2010

stir, relax and enjoy..

As a student or worker, have you guys ever had the experience of waking up early in the morning, feeling dizzy and you felt like you didn't want to wake up? feeling like you're not up to do anything, going to school, college or your workplace? and waking up with this feeling makes you feel like you don't have any energy to start your beautiful day?

Now, you don't have to worry anymore. There's a solution to your problem! Introducing, BOH Teacino Vanilla.

BOH Teacino Vanilla is a smooth blend of instant tea, milk and sugar with a distinctive milky froth and an additional sweet and delicate fragrance of vanilla flavour. It is very easy to enjoy, you just have to empty contents of one sachet into a mug or cup, then pour in hot water. And then, you are ready to enjoy your perfect Teacino experience at home or at work.

To make it taste even better, you can add a bit of cream on top of it and a light sprinkle of chocolate or cinnamon. And for an extra creamy drink, you can just add hot milk instead of water.

BOH Teacino Vanilla also helps you to gain energy to start your day and not to mention it is very easy to prepare. You don't have to rush to get your breakfast ready,right?

That's because I've had the same problem before I knew about BOH Teacino Vanilla. I've had this lazy attitude of waking up in the morning and feeling hungry when I woke up. Then, my mother, who bought this BOH Teacino Vanilla, asked me to try this drink because she thought that the packing looks interesting. So, I've tried it and loved it instantly!

From that day on, I would never missed drinking the tea because it's delicious and makes you feel waken to start your day. Although it didn't have the strong formula as Nescafe, but still it is nice to have in the morning because it is very mild and it is a naturally tasted tea.

Not to mention, it is also very easy to get. You can find it in every market in Malaysia and there are other flavours too that you can choose from such as chocolate and caramel, and it is very cheap too. So, why not try it,right? Don't waste your time. Go and get it now. Once you tried it, you won't resist. =)

Wednesday 3 February 2010

A little something about me.

Actually, my real name is Hazirah binti Shukri. People usually called me Zira or Jeera
or even Embun for that matter. I'm sure most of you still didn't know why I chose 'embun' as my blog title. It is actually a simple story and I'm even sure that you'll find it funny and perhaps childish in a way. So, here goes.

Once upon a time, back when I'm 12 years old, that's the year when the movie 'Embun' were shown. At that time, we've just finished our UPSR exam and we're having the time of our life. So, the teachers decided to put out 'tayangan' day so that we can watch movies and get some knowledge from it. And also, the teachers didn't want us to wander around the school doing nothing. :)

The movie was played by Umie Aida and Aqasha. A very smashing couple, I would say. It is a war-oriented movie with a splash of love story in it. Basically, the story is about a girl who is in love with a Japanese lieutenant and they are trying to encourage their village people to fight against the Japanese. Then, the Japanese found out that they have been working together secretly. Lastly, as a punishment, they both are sentence to death. It's a very touching and sad story but full with knowlegeable information.

So that's how I remember the name 'embun' and I am so in love with the name because it is so unique and classic in a way people can't imagined. The name 'embun' also symbolizes Malay culture and Malay woman who is beautiful as the morning dew. I even dreamt that one day if I have a daughter, she will be named as 'Embun'. You may find it funny but I find it very unique and special as nowadays, we couldn't find names like that anymore on people. So, why not we bring back the classic and nostalgic Malay names to life, right? :)

But don't get me wrong, I loved my name, Hazirah. It was given by my parents with great meaning-'the perfect choice'. But 'embun' is just something extra to add, to make it taste even better. So, that's why I chose 'Embun' as my blog title because it is special to me.

Now, back on my introduction about myself. I was born in Kajang, Selangor and stayed in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. I was practically being taken care by multiple collection of maids, who comes and goes, because my parents are both working parents and I loved them so much!

And also, because of that, I've learn so much about life. I'm also a girl who believes in second chances. Whatever we're doing, if we failed, we musn't give up. We deserve a second chances and therefore we must keep on trying until we succeed because anything is possible if we believe in ourselves.

I also believed that without friends in our life, we can't go far. That's why I loved making friends and talk to people. That way, you'll have colours in your life.

And before I forget, you must be wondering why I chose the colour green and pink as my background colour of my blog, right? Apart from being my favourite colours, the colour green symbolizes the feeling of calm and not to mention it's welcoming. And when we combine the two colours together, eventhough it doesn't match, it suits each other anyway.

Furthermore, I wanted you guys to feel welcome when you read my blog so that we're not afraid to share thoughts. That's why the colours can influence you as well and I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as I enjoy reading yours. Thank you guys. :)


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